CFD Equities
Access well known brands
The easiest way to trade your favourite brands or the most popular companies that are making the headlines. Buy positions in companies performing well or take short positions and sell the companies that are making the headlines from the wrong reasons.
Noticeable Brands
Speculate currency prices while buying and selling shares of the most notable companies and brands.
Make a strategy of trading with small marginal amounts for a swift and efficient process.
Trade Long or Short
Decide whether to trade long or short according to the price action. Find Bull and Bear markets to coordinate easily.
Spreads and Conditions
Symbol | Name | Max Leverage |
AAPL | APPLE | 0.02 USD |
GOOG | 0.02 USD | |
FB | 0.02 USD | |
AMZN | AMAZON | 0.02 USD |
TSLA | TESLA | 0.02 USD |
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